Monday, December 13, 2010

Arch Nemesis Strikes Again

I ran in to an old friend on the train this morning and just as I was telling him about my arch nemesis she appeared in our car.  My friend was in the middle of refusing to believe she is as bad as I describe, when all of a sudden something came barreling down the aisle knocking every passenger in the back of the head with her many bags- our fault, it was rude of us to be in HER way.  I had just gotten back in to my conversation with Jon when I heard my nemesis start screaming like a banshee- apparently not everyone got he memo that the last 2 seats in the third car from the back of the train are reserved for HER.  She stood there and yelled until the poor man got up and moved to another seat!  Literally, threw a tantrum like a child- unreal.  Jon experienced her for the first time today and agreed to help me teach her a lesson, next time she boards the train, Jon and I will be sitting in her seat, she can throw a fit until she is blue in the face, because I'm not moving, and Jon can out crazy her any day of the week.  If the Metra won't check her, I will!
The watch your step sign is there to warn passengers who think about sitting next to her- "Watch your step- crazy lady will strike!" 

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